Counter Culture (revised from Systemized)

Poor Jack Kerouac
The hitchhikin’ days are over.

Letting your chips fall where they may
No longer gets you bread and butter

Childhood lasts til thirty,
A high school diploma? Nuthin’

The Journeymen are gone
The Jack of All Trades is lost

The hippies are old
The pot, halfway to legal

Arms are still not for hugging
And the flowers? Wilting.

Hitchhikin’ days are over, Jack.


The hitchhikin days are over
And no one knows whats next
It’s the same ol’ atom bomb to fuck yourself with
But everything else has changed

Without danger
There is no poetry
But there is only the simulation of poetry
In the minds of angsty teens

What is the new blooming flower,
The stolen virginity of the future?

After all the deconstruction,
We are left with broken Lincoln logs
Do we rebuild with broken parts
By asking more questions

But what reality do we find
In the unanswerable?